Showing posts with label Absolute value. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Absolute value. Show all posts

Absolute Value Equations

Absolute value, by definition, is the distance from zero on a number line.

If we have |x| = 3 then the question is, “what number can x be so that the distance to zero is 3?” There are two solutions to this question -3 and 3.
In general,
Here n is a positive integer and X represents an algebraic expression called the argument of the absolute value. To solve these equations, set the argument equal to plus or minus n and solve the resulting equations.


This technique requires us to first isolate the absolute value. Apply the usual steps for solving to obtain the absolute value alone on one side of the equation, and then set the argument to plus or minus n.
When two absolute values are equal we can set the argument of one equal to the argument of the other.
Tip: When in doubt of a solution, check to see if it solves the original equation.  For example, check that {-7, 3} is the solution set for,
Notice that both numbers solve the original equation and therefore we have verified they are in the solution set.

YouTube Videos:

Real Numbers and the Number Line

Natural Numbers – The set of counting numbers { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}.
Whole Numbers – Natural numbers combined with zero  { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}.
Integers – Positive and negative whole numbers including zero {…,−5, −4, −3,−2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…}.
Rational Numbers – Any number of the form a/b where a and b are integers where b is not equal to zero.
Irrational Numbers – Numbers that cannot be written as a ratio of two integers.

When comparing real numbers, the larger number will always lie to the right of smaller numbers on a number line.  It is clear that 15 is greater than 5, but it might not be so clear to see that −5 is greater than −15.
Number line showing numbers in order from left to right.
Use inequalities to express order relationships between numbers.
<   "less than"
>   "greater than"
≤   "less than or equal to"
≥   "greater than or equal to"

It is easy to confuse the inequalities with larger negative values.  For example,
−120 < −10     “Negative 120 is less than negative 10.
Since −120 lies further left on the number line, that number is less than −10.  Similarly, zero is greater than any negative number because it lies further right on the number line.
0 > −59     "Zero is greater than negative 59."

Write the appropriate symbol, either < or >.
List three integers satisfying the given statement. (Answers may vary.)
Absolute Value – The distance between 0 and the real number a on the number line, denoted |a|. Because the absolute value is defined to be a distance, it will always be positive. It is worth noting that |0| = 0.
Point of confusion: You may encounter negative absolute values like this −|3|. Notice that the negative is in front of the absolute value. Work the absolute value first, then consider the opposite of the result. For example,
−|3| = −3
−|−7| = −7

Believe it or not, the above are correct! Look out for this type of question on an exam.

Video Examples on YouTube:

Intermediate Algebra Exam #1

Click on the 10 question exam covering topics in chapters 1 and 2. Give yourself one hour to try all of the problems and then come back and check your answers.



Solve and graph the solution set. In addition, express the solution set using interval notation.

Sketch the graph and give the domain and range.
